Interfacepublic interface ITweenBuilder
Implementors DefaultTweenBuilder

Interface of playing tween set by the editor.

You need to manually call start/stop in your project when you want to start/stop a tween. NOTE: The stop method should ALWAYS be called with the start method to avoid memory leak when the components are disposed. The following example shows how to start and stop a tween:

         var data:Object = uiBuilder.load(layoutData);
         var sprite:Sprite = data.object as Sprite;
         var paramsDict:Dictionary = data.params;
         uiBuilder.tweenBuilder.startTween(sprite, paramsDict);

See also


Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
start(root:DisplayObject, paramsDict:Dictionary, names:Array = null):void
Start tween according tweenData in layout
stop(root:DisplayObject, paramsDict:Dictionary = null, names:Array = null):void
Stop tween according tweenData in layout
Method Detail
public function start(root:DisplayObject, paramsDict:Dictionary, names:Array = null):void

Start tween according tweenData in layout


root:DisplayObject — of the DisplayObjects need to tween
paramsDict:Dictionary — A dictionary of the mapping of every UIElement to its layout data
names:Array (default = null) — array of names (e.g. ["container.button1", "container.button2") to be start tween, if null then start all the available tween

public function stop(root:DisplayObject, paramsDict:Dictionary = null, names:Array = null):void

Stop tween according tweenData in layout


root:DisplayObject — of the DisplayObject needs to be tween
paramsDict:Dictionary (default = null) — A dictionary of the mapping of every UIElement to its layout data, if null then stop all the available tweens
names:Array (default = null) — array of names (e.g. ["container.button1", "container.button2") to be stop tween, if null then stop all the available tweens