Documentation for classes includes syntax, usage information, and code samples for methods, properties, and event handlers and listeners for those APIs that belong to a specific class in ActionScript. The classes are listed alphabetically. If you are not sure to which class a certain method or property belongs, you can look it up in the Index.

starlingbuilder.engine.localization Default implementation of ILocalization
starlingbuilder.engine.localization Default implementation of ILocalizationHandler
starlingbuilder.engine.tween Default implementation of ITweenBuilder Example data1: {"time":1, "properties":{"scaleX":0.9, "scaleY":0.9, "repeatCount":0, "reverse":true}} Example data2: [{"properties":{"repeatCount":0,"scaleY":0.9,"reverse":true,"scaleX":0.9},"time":1},{"properties":{"repeatCount":0,"alpha":0,"reverse":true},"time":0.5}] Example data3: {"time":0.5,"properties":{"repeatCount":0,"reverse":true},"delta":{"y":-10}}
starlingbuilder.engine Interface for getting assets from the project You should implement your AssetMediator in your project.
starlingbuilder.engine.localization Interface of localizing display objects.
starlingbuilder.engine.localization Interface for cases that localization needs special treatment (e.g.
starlingbuilder.engine.tween Interface of playing tween set by the editor.
starlingbuilder.engine Main interface of the Starling Builder engine API
starlingbuilder.engine Helper class to load layouts This class provide an easy and efficient way to load layout files from embedded data, parse the data and cached it into memory.
starlingbuilder.engine.format A JSON encoder that can generate stable output from the same as3 object.
starlingbuilder.engine.util Helper class to support multiple resolution Example usage: var stageUtil:StageUtil = new StageUtil(stage); var size:Point = stageUtil.getScaledStageSize(); var starling:Starling = new Starling(Game, stage, new Rectangle(0, 0, stageUtil.stageWidth, stageUtil.stageHeight)); starling.stage.stageWidth = size.x; starling.stage.stageHeight = size.y;
starlingbuilder.engine Main class of Starling Builder engine API Exmaple of creating a UIBuilder var assetManager:AssetManager = new AssetManager(); var assetMediator:AssetMediator = new AssetMediator(assetManager); var uiBuilder:UIBuilder = new UIBuilder(assetMediator); A simple example to create display objects from layout var sprite:Sprite = uiBuilder.create(layoutData) as Sprite; addChild(sprite); A more elaborate way to create UI element inside a class, and bind the public underscore property automatically public class MailPopup extends Sprite { //auto bind variables public var _list:List; public var _exitButton:Button; public function MailPopup() { super(); var sprite:Sprite = uiBuilder.create(ParsedLayouts.mail_popup, true, this) as Sprite; addChild(sprite); _exitButton.addEventListener(Event.TRIGGERED, onExit); } private function onExit(event:Event):void { PopUpManager.removePopUp(this, true); } }