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LayoutLoader — class, package starlingbuilder.engine
Helper class to load layouts This class provide an easy and efficient way to load layout files from embedded data, parse the data and cached it into memory.
LayoutLoader(embeddedCls:Class, layoutCls:Class, preload:Boolean) — Constructor, class starlingbuilder.engine.LayoutLoader
load(data:Object, trimLeadingSpace:Boolean, binder:Object) — method, interface starlingbuilder.engine.IUIBuilder
Load from layout data, create display objects and the associated meta data
load(name:String) — method, class starlingbuilder.engine.LayoutLoader
Load a layout with name, only need to use it when preload = false
load(data:Object, trimLeadingSpace:Boolean, binder:Object) — method, class starlingbuilder.engine.UIBuilder
Load from layout data, create display objects and the associated meta data
loadByClass(cls:Class) — method, class starlingbuilder.engine.LayoutLoader
Load a layout with the embedded data, only need to use it when preload = false
locale — Property, class starlingbuilder.engine.localization.DefaultLocalization
Current locale property.
locale — Property, interface starlingbuilder.engine.localization.ILocalization
Current locale property.
localization — Property, interface starlingbuilder.engine.IUIBuilder
Localization property
localization — Property, class starlingbuilder.engine.UIBuilder
Localization property
localizationHandler — Property, interface starlingbuilder.engine.IUIBuilder
Localization handler property
localizationHandler — Property, class starlingbuilder.engine.UIBuilder
Localization handler property
localize(object:starling.display:DisplayObject, text:String, paramsDict:flash.utils:Dictionary, locale:String) — method, class starlingbuilder.engine.localization.DefaultLocalizationHandler
Callback function when a display object is localized
localize(object:starling.display:DisplayObject, text:String, paramsDict:flash.utils:Dictionary, locale:String) — method, interface starlingbuilder.engine.localization.ILocalizationHandler
Callback function when a display object is localized
localizeTexts(root:starling.display:DisplayObject, paramsDict:flash.utils:Dictionary) — method, interface starlingbuilder.engine.IUIBuilder
Localize texts in display object
localizeTexts(root:starling.display:DisplayObject, paramsDict:flash.utils:Dictionary) — method, class starlingbuilder.engine.UIBuilder
Localize texts in display object
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